Worshiping God
Becoming better people
Relieving suffering


Worshipping God

We have the immense honor of making our first priority attending to God. Before we attend to anything else, we attend to God. This is the beginning point of our spiritual walk. But there also is something special that happens to us when we, collectively, set our intentions toward adoring God. Because God is so good, when we focus on this Love, we gain a much-needed perspective. A large part of our time together on Sunday morning is dedicated to this through song, prayer, reading of scripture, and more.

Becoming Better Humans

We believe that God has placed in every person divine characteristics. These manifestations of love are what is really true about us all. The more fully that we bring these attributes to the surface of our lives, the closer we are living to our destiny (what God had in His mind when He created us). We are committed to seeing and encouraging what is true about ourselves and others.


Relieving Suffering

There is a lot of different language that we use to talk about making the world a better place (light, salt, kingdom, etc.), but they all point to the same thing: we want to use every means possible, both natural and supernatural to relieve suffering in the world. We believe that the degree to which we relieve suffering is the degree that we are being Christlike.


Sometimes community seems as messy and heartbreaking as it seems helpful and life giving. At times, we all may feel like it just isn’t worth it. There are many reasons why pursuing our priorities together is worth the inevitable heartache, but the primary reason, the one that keeps us going, is that it communicates love.


“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden”

— Jesus of Nazareth